Beginnings and experiments
How awful can photographs be?
How awful can photographs be?
My Mother had a really good Agfa 2½" square 120 roll-film rangefinder camera when I was young, back in the 60's and early-70's.
It took excellent photos that were promptly ruined by the low-quality, tiny prints available at the time.
Fortunately she kept the negatives, and in the early-2000's I scanned them and recovered their original quality.
Unfortunately in the early-70's it got broken and never repaired so she replaced it with a Kodak Instamatic 110, quite honestly the lowest quality photographic system ever foist upon the public: the results were simply awful.
At the time I believed it was the camera but from attempting to scan the negatives I now know it was the tiny, tiny negatives that were at fault.
I have always been fascinated by photography and the moment I could round up enough pocket money to process the films I borrowed this abortion of a camera, and was promptly put off for years by the murky results.
My sister's 126 Instamatic was little better, although the negatives were bigger and have been worth scanning but the cheap plastic optics put paid to any hope of decent images.
I needed an SLR...